Saturday, October 9, 2010

Adventure Generator

Hey all! sorry this is going up so late. This is a one shot adventure generator for the Savage Sherwood setting I'm doing. The GM simply rolls on the tables below and fills in any gaps for the story. Adventures made with this generator are meant to be used with a single session. They represent the "normal" activities of our merry outlaws. Enjoy!

Roll 1d12 on each of the following tables.

Table 1. The Villain
1-2 Knight
3-4 Friar
5-6 Bishop
7-8 Outlaw
9-10 Tax Collector
11-12 Lord/Nobleman

Table 2. The Plot
1-3 Rescue
4-6 Rob
7-9 Defend
10-12 Attack

Table 3. Location
1-3 Town
4-6 Forest/Camp
7-9 Highway
10-12 Castle

Table 4. Enemy Forces
1-3 Light (2 or 3d4)
4-6 Medium (2 or 3d6)
7-9 Heavy (2 or 3d8)
10-12 Reroll twice and add.

These stats represent some common enemies.

Man at Arms
Attributes: Agility d6, Strength d8, Smarts d6, Spirit d6, Vigor d6
Skills: Fighting d8, Shooting d4, Notice d6, Intimidation d6
Pace: 6; Parry: 7; Toughness: 5
Gear: Sword (Str+d6), Shield (+1 Parry), Bow and Arrows (2d6)

Attributes: Agility d6, Strength d6, Smarts d6, Spirit d6, Vigor d6
Skills: Fighting d6, Shooting d8, Notice d6, Tracking d6
Pace: 6; Parry: 6; Toughness: 6
Gear: Short Sword (Str+d6), Buckler (+1 Parry, already factored in stats), Bow and 20 arrows (2d6)

Saturday, October 2, 2010

The Adventure Begins!

This is it, folks. We're about to start. If you are a player, not a GM, read no further. If you are GM scrolls down and enjoy. Please skim through the adventure ahead of time so you'll be aware where this is going. This is the adventure I ran with some friends yesterday.


When the adventure starts the player characters have been captured. They are in a wooden cart with iron bands. Not gonna break outta there easy. The door is on the back of the wagon and has a 6 by 6 inch window with iron bars. They were captured by the King's Foresters when they were caught hunting in the King's forest of Sherwood. All of their belongings were taken. They are on their way to Nottingham where the Sheriff intends to make an example of them by hanging.
The player's can talk in the wagon if they want and start developing some character. When the conversation starts dying down announce that the wagon is stopping.
A successful Notice Check will reveal a muffled voice calling out toward the Foresters. The players can hear the Chief Forester's answer.
"Who's there?"
Muffled response.
"Out of the way in the name of the King! If you raise a hand against us we'll have you-" They hear the Chief Forester scream and the thunk of an arrow hitting its mark.
The sounds of fighting can now be heard outside. Shouts, clanging steel, and twanging bows.

Go ahead and deal Initiative at this point. One card for each player, one for Stutely, one for Robin, and one for the Foresters.
A Notice Check will now reveal footsteps at the door of the wagon. Will Stutely (a fellow outlaw who the player's know well) picks the locks and swings the door open. He raises a finger to his lips and whispers "Shhh!" Reaching over his back, he brings out a pack and tosses it to the players. "I believe these belong to you." It's the player's belongings and they get their stuff sorted out in one round of combat.
When the players emerge from the wagon they see the situtation. There are 1d4 Foresters for every player and Stutely and Robin. They are currently unaware of Stutely and the players and are focusing fire on a hooded figure on the ridge dressed in green, apparently the one who accosted the Chief Forester.

The Foresters will shoot at Robin (the figure on the ridge) until they become aware of the players. If they get a chance they will reform into a tight circle with archers inside the ring and swordsman outside. Robin will continue picking off enemies from the distance while Stutely draws his sword and buckler and will follow the players' lead.

Attributes: Agility d4, Strength d8, Smarts d6, Spirit d6, Vigor d6
Skills: Fighting d8, Shooting d4, Lockpicking d8, Notice d6, Stealth d6
Pace: 6; Parry: 7; Toughness: 5
Gear: Short Sword (Str+d6), Buckler (+1 Parry)

Attributes: Agility d8, Strength d6, Smarts d6, Spirit d6, Vigor d6
Skills: Fighting d8, Shooting d12, Notice d8, Persuasion d6, Stealth d8
Pace: 6; Parry: 6; Toughness: 5; Charisma: +2
Alertness. +2 to Notice rolls.
Attractive. +2 to Charisma.
Eagle Eyes. Doubles ranged weapon ranges.
Double Shot. Fires two arrows at a single target at -2.
Master of Disguise. +2 to Stealth and Persuasion rolls made to hide identity.
Hot Tempered. -2 to Spirit rolls to resist Taunts.
Gear: English Longbow (2d6), Short Sword (Str+d6), Buckler (+1 Parry)

Attributes: Agility d6, Strength d6, Smarts d6, Spirit d6, Vigor d6
Skills: Fighting d6, Shooting d8, Notice d6, Tracking d6
Pace: 6; Parry: 6; Toughness: 6
Gear: Short Sword (Str+d6), Buckler (+1 Parry, already factored in stats), Bow and 20 arrows (2d6).

Any fallen bodies can be looted with a Notice Check.

The figure on the ridge approaches and Stutely nods toward him. "Friends this be Robin Fitzhugh. Twas him that saved your lives. I'd not have been able to come without him."
Robin bows slightly and introduces himself. He asks if he can join you and Stutely STRONGLY urges the players to agree on the grounds that he just saved their lives.

An old woman, who is the mother of three of the outlaws in Sherwood, lives here in the wood. She is a skilled herbalist and can heal most wounds.

Once they get back to Sherwood they catch up with the other outlaws. There are about twenty of them all told, including the players. Most welcome Robin with open arms but a few, including Black Hugo, a tall dark man with a bow, frown on the new comer.

Allow the players to merry make with wrestling (unarmed combat), archery contests, and sing and drinking until and during the meal. During the meal Much the Miller's Son will bring up the ongoing problem of who is going to lead this bloody band anyway? This question has been floating around for a few weeks. Start the debate with some of the merry men (Black Hugo, Much the Miller's Son, Will Stutely, Hobb, John Ford). Allow and encourage the players to get involved. In the end it should be decided with an archery contest. If you have to put it to a vote. You control about fifteen of the twenty outlaws.
Black Hugo will compete and Robin Fitzugh will be recommended by Stutely. Any players who wish may participate and if you want other NPCs to they can as well.

Of course Robin has to win and win by a lot. Fudge the dice if you need to. All the other merry men (except Black Hugo and possibly the players) will praise his prowess and welcome Robin Fitzhugh.
"Not Fitzhugh!" Much interjects. "He's a new man with a new job and needs a new name!"
"Robin o' the Hood!" shouts Stutely. "He's been wearing the blasted thing all day!"
The band laughs and Robin Fitzhugh has been christened.

As the feast continues a sentry calls out that someone is coming. Outlaws grab weaponry and duck behind trees. It is only Lobb, a cobbler from Nottingham, and a sworn gossip to the outlaws of Sherwood. "You are all in danger! Even as we speak, the Sheriff is searching the wood with an army." If the players killed the Foresters when they escaped the Sheriff is seeking vengeance. If they found some way to incapicate them he considers it an insufferable outrage and will have these outlaws hung. Either way its the same.

Debate will again ensue, the end result of which will be deciding to pack up and flee to Barnsedale, a smaller wood that lies a few days North.

Stealthy characters can choose to scout out the Sheriff's army. It consists of at least two hundred men-at-arms.

The party will arrive in Barnsedale uneventifully as long as they do not try to engage the army (which frankly would be suicidal) and will have a strong leader, new weaponry from the soldiers they killed, and a growing reputation.

Recommended XP if everything is accomplished: 3.

Come back next Saturday for an adventure generator! Other scripted adventures will follow each Saturday after that.