Saturday, September 4, 2010

Footpad, Knight and Hindrances!

And now our next two character concepts... The sneaky footpad and the chivalrous knight!

The footpad is an invaluable, albeit unsavory ally. Footpads work the streets of every town as muggers, pickpockets and common thieves. Footpads are skilled in the arts of stealth and deception.
Many are greedy and ply their trade not from need but to satisfy their own egos or desires. Some walk the same path as merry Robin, becoming notorious heroes willing to defy the law and its enforcers.

Recommended Skills: Fighting, Gambling, Intimidation, Persuasion, Stealth, Throwing
Recommended Edges: Acrobat, Alertness, Luck, Master of Disguises, Thief
Recommended Hindrances: Greedy, Infamous, Overconfident, Vengeful, Wanted

Knights have fought in England for hundreds of years now and are an honored and respected group. Knights are most often born into their position by noble parents and as such are proud of their position above the common folk. They tend to take themselves and their honor very seriously. Many knights have taken oaths, swearing to never harm a woman, or to refuse hospitality, or to always tell the truth. Knights are some of the few priveleged to ride and know how to fight from horse back.
Of course any knight who is disloyal to Prince John is likely to be a wanted a man or at the very least the center of many a tale.

Recommended Skills: Fighting, Intimidation, Notice, Persuasion, Riding
Recommended Edges: Command, First Strike Natural Leader, Noble, Steady Hands, Sweep
Recommended Hindrances: Arrogant, Code of Honor, Enemy, Heroic, Infamous, Loyal, Vow

Changes are outlined here. If a Hindrance is not mentioned it is still used normally.

All Thumbs, Doubting Thomas, Illiterate, and Phobia cannot be used in this setting.

The Anemic (Minor) Hindrance has been renamed Sickly.

The Wanted Hindrance can only be Minor in this setting.

The Yellow (Major) Hindrance has been renamed Cowardly and subtracts 2 from Spirit checks made instead of Guts checks (see the Skills section in the previous post). Because these rolls don't come up as often, this is only considered a Minor Hindrance.

The Dependent (Major) Hindrance from Necessary Evil can be used in this setting.


Hot Tempered (Minor)
Your character's blood runs hot. You suffer a -2 penalty to Spirit checks made to resist Taunts.

Infamous (Minor)
Your character is well known for deeds good or ill. Everyone knows your character's name and many have seen his face. This can make it difficult to go unnoticed. A suitable disguise can usually keep your identity a secret but there is no guarantee.

Wolfshead (Major)
Your character has been branded a wolfshead by the sheriff. Whether he committed a great crime or simply offended someone important is irrelevant. Anyone who recognizes you has the right to hunt you down and kill for a reward from the sheriff.

Come back next Saturday for the next update! A "chapter" on Edges and the next two character concepts... The Loyal Noble and the merry Minstrel!

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