Saturday, September 11, 2010

Noble, Minstrel and Edges!

And here are our next two character concepts! The loyal Noble, and the merry Minstrel!

The noble class is seen by the more common folk as harsh, domineering tyrants. But not all are so. Some, such as the rugged Will Gamewell, the beautiful maid Marian, and the strong King Richard, are true and honest lords giving the people what aid they can.
A noble may be working from within his keep, secretly aiding the outlaws with money and weaponry or he may have been cast out or runaway from his court. Some venture out under a false name and spend as much time as they may with the forest folk before they must return to their duties of state.
Nobles are often rich, with many lands, and if they are aiding Robin and his band in secret they are likely loyal to Richard.

Recommended Skills: Fighting, Intimidation, Knowledge (etiquette), Knowledge (heraldry), Notice, Persuasion, Riding, Shooting, Stealth
Recommended Edges: Attractive, Charismatic, Command, Filthy Rich, Literate, Noble, Steady Hands,
Recommended Hindrances: Cautious, Code of Honor, Dependents (family), Loyal (King Richard), Stubborn

The jolly minstrel plays his ballads up and down every highway. He dresses gaily, sings heartily, and can tell many a tale.
The typical mistrel survives on luck, skill and wit moving from job to job for naught but a few coins. Minstrels live free, open lives on the open road with no ties to anything unless they choose to, exactly the sort of life Sherwood's outlaws live.

Recommended Skills: Fighting, Gambling, Healing, Knowledge (etiquette), Knowledge (music), Perform, Persuasion, Stealth
Recommended Edges: Attractive, Fleet-Footed, Literate, Lucky, Scholar, Traveling Player
Recommended Hindrances: Arrogant, Big Mouth, Curious, Outsider, Overconfident

Quite a few Edges have been cut from this setting and several new one's are available. If an Edge is not mentioned it is still available and works normally.

The following Edges have been cut from this setting.

Arcane Background, Arcane Resistance, Improved Arcane Resistance, Giant Killer, Rock and Roll!, New Power, Power Points, Rapid Recharge, Improved Rapid Recharge, Soul Drain, Ace, Champion, Gadgeteer, Holy/Unholy Warrior, Investigator, McGyver, Mentalist, Mr. Fix It, Wizard, and Power Surge

The following Edge has been altered.

Beast Master
All of the requirements and effects of this Edge are the same with two exceptions. Firstly, common animals do not treat you as special and you can be attacked by wild animals. Secondly, the types of beast you can have for a companion are limited. Only animals that were commonly domesticated at the time (i.e. horses, hounds, falcons, perhaps stoats) are acceptable. More colorful animals such as bears, tigers, or lions are not acceptable.

Outlined below, are the new Edges available in this setting. Each is put under its normal category.


Eagle Eyes
Requirements: Novice, Alertness, Vigor d6+, Notice d8+
Your character’s eyesight is extremely keen. All ranged weapon distances are doubled up to their maximum. For example a bow that’s range is 12/24/48 in this character’s hands is 24/48/-. The short range is doubled, the medium range is doubled and there is no long range. Your character can aim farther then the bow can shoot.
Requirements: Novice, Smarts d6+
Your hero knows how to read and write. He can search for information in a written source with a Smarts check (as the Investigation Skill). Characters can take this Edge after character creation if someone who is already literate is able to teach them.
Catch It!
Requirements: Seasoned, Agility d8+, Fighting d8+
Your character is skilled at blocking incoming arrows with a buckler. If he has a shield of some kind he adds +4 instead of the normal +2 to his Parry when fighting defensively. This bonus only works against arrows.
Improved Catch It!
Requirements: Veteran, Catch It!
As Catch It! but the bonus is increased to +6.

Double Shot
Requirements: Seasoned, Shooting d10+
Double Shot allows a character to fire two arrows in his bow at once, firing two shots at a single target with one attack roll at a -2 modifier.
The target must be within short range. If the attack is successful, both arrows hit, each causing normal damage. Double Shot does not work with crossbows of other ranged weapons- only with bows and arrows.
Improved Double Shot
Requirements: Veteran, Double Shot
The character may attack as above but ignores the -2 penalty.
Quick Eyes and A Silver tongue
Requirements: Novice, Smarts d6+, Notice d8+
Your character knows how to pick up on a person’s nuances and use them to his advantage. He can make Notice checks instead of Persuasion checks.
Master of Disguise
Requirements: Novice, Smarts d6+, Persuasion d10+, Stealth d8+
Your character is a master at disguising his identity. He has learned to alter his voice, manner, and walk in order to appear as someone else. He adds a +2 bonus to Stealth or Persuasion rolls when his identity is being scrutinized. The bonus is increased to +4 if he has a day or more to prepare a disguise.

Requirements: Novice, Smarts d8+, Crafting d10+
Your character has learned the tinker's trade and can repair and create many a useful item. He adds +2 to all Crafting checks and can repair most things in half the normal time (subject to the GM's discretion).

Traveling Player
Requirements: Novice, Smarts d6, Notice d8+, Perform d10+
Your character is a wandering minstrel, playing his tunes on the open road. You can make a Notice check on a crowd before performing for them and effectively "play to the crowd". With a success you get a +2 bonus to your Perform check. With a raise the bonus is increased to +4.

Come back next Saturday for a chapter on Gear and the next two character concepts: The curtal Friar and the honest Peasant!
Check back midweek as well for a surprise post!

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