Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Those Who Know

Information is valuable, especially when you're an outlaw! But how does Robin's merry band find the knowledge they seek?

First of all remember that anyone can hold the information you want. A stable boy who overhears something, a young girl who's in places she oughtn't to be, etc. That being said, there are some who tend to know the right sort of things more often.

Beggars and the poor are an almost universal fixture of the city. Because they are so common, they often fade into the background and overhear things that are not meant for their ears. Beggermen and the poor in general are friendly to Robin and his band, but this is only because they are treated so well. If you ever fail to pay them, you might find your reputation tarnished.

Many a drunken man has let slip things that are better left unsaid. The Sheriff's men are no exception. Barkeeps tend to be friendly as long as you don't cause any trouble. They enjoy a good jaw and will freely tell a good deal. If a piece of information is particularly dangerous or valuable they may ask for some compensation.

Whether by choice or force, many a common woman has had the "pleasure" of spending time with the Sheriff's men. They often overhear and are sometimes blatantly told by a drunk or bragging soldier any imminent plans the Sheriff has. A little coin never hurts their memories and some, particularly the less pious ones, seem to have a weak spot for a handsome face and romantic figure.

Lobb is a sworn gossip to Robin Hood and his merry band. He works his cobbler's shop in Nottingham and has mended many a shoe for many a soldier. He was done a good turn once by the forest outlaws and has been their faithful friend and an invaluable informer ever since. Lobb never asks for money from the merry band and usually tells them all he knows as soon as he learns of it.

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