Saturday, September 25, 2010

Soldier, Strongman and Character Sheet!

And here are the final two character concepts: the burly Strongman and the hardened Soldier! Due to some technical difficulties the character sheet isn't up today. I'm having a hard time getting it into a printable format. It will be in a link at the bottom of the page as soon as i figure it out. Thanks!

The Strongman is essential to Robin's merry band. Men like John Little are invaluable for their sheer stature and daunting figure. Many of these giants have haunted Sherwood in times past. They have returned to the Green Wood due to the Sherrif's iron fist, seeing a free life with the outlaws as preferable to a life of servitude under the Sherrif and Prince John.
Strongman are typically giants of men, though some are smaller and stockier. Many have tempers but most are also kind and loyal to their friends.

Recommended Skills: Fighting, Intimidation, Jumping, Notice, Taunt, Throwing
Recommended Edges: Ambidextrous, Brawny, Fast Healer, Nerves of Steel, Sweep, Two-Fisted
Recommended Hindrances: Big Mouth, Clueless, Heroic, Hot Tempered, Infamous, Loyal, Stubborn, Ugly

Soldiers exist in every society at every time. Many do nothing but follow orders blindly but some, like those who would join Robin's outlaws, take pause at their superiors orders when they are cruel or harsh. Most soldiers and fairly rounded military expertise including use with the bow, sword, buckler, and pike.
Many soldiers are superstitious, greedy, and drinkers. As a general rule they also enjoy the fray more than is healthy. Those who join Robin's band are usually a bit more moral.

Recommended Skills: Climbing, Fighting, Gambling, Intimidation, Jumping, Notice, Riding, Shooting, Throwing
Recommended Edges: Command, First Strike, Marksman, Nerves of Steel, Quick
Recommended Hindrances: Bad Luck, Bloodthirsty, Habit (drinking), Greedy, Loyal, Mean, Vengeful

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