Monday, September 20, 2010

Friar, Peasant and Gear!

And here are our next two concepts, the noble Friar and the stolid Peasant!

The worthy friar is a staple of Robin's merry band. The church as a whole is corrupt taking advantage of the people and their ignorance, squeezing coin from the widow, and labor from the young. But not all men of the cloth behave so. Some, like the renowned Friar Tuck, actively work against their betters for the people.
Many Friars in this tumultus time have learned some martial skill to fend off robbers on the road. While the church has forbidden the holy men from using weapons with blades some persist in employing them.
Friar's are typically jolly, happy individuals who see God waiting to bless in all things. All friars are sworn to poverty, but few actually follow this tenent.

Recommended Skills: Fighting, Crafting, Healing, Knowledge (Theology), Persuasion
Recommended Edges: Alertness, Healer, Literate, Scholar, Sweep
Recommended Hindrances: Cautious, Elderly, Greedy, Obese, Pacifist, Poverty

The peasants are the common folk living in the country side, trying to eke out a living while paying the Sheriff's high tax. The Peasant concept is almost always combined with another concept (bowman, footpad, strongman, soldier, etc) and is used to flesh out the character's background and history. Peasants come in all stripes and professions and often have commitments and dependents at home.

Recommended Skills: Crafting, Notice, Persuasion, Riding, Shooting, Survival, Tracking
Recommended Edges: Alertness, Connections (villagers), Quick, Two-Fisted, Woodsman
Recommended Hindrances: Cowardly, Dependents (family), Loyal, Poverty, Stubborn, Ugly

The following gear is available in the Savage Sherwood setting. Characters start with 500 silver at character creation.

All the Medieval Armor in the SWEX are available in this setting.

All the Medieval Hand Weapons from the SWEX are available in this setting.

All the Medieval Ranged Weapons from the SWEX are available in this setting.

All Mundane Items from the SWEX are available with these exceptions: Bedroll, Camera (disposable, regular, digital), Celluar Phone, Crowbar, Flashlight, Lighter, Umbrella, Camoulage Fatigues, Hiking Boots, MRE Trail Rations, all Computer items and all Surveillance items.

Soap costs 5 silvers in this setting because it is rarer.

Tool Kits cost 300 because they are both rarer and more useful.

Any piece of clothing (not armor) can be made of Lincoln Green. The clothing costs 50 silver more than usual and adds a +2 bonus to Stealth checks made in the woods. Lincoln Green does however stand out in the city.

Only regular arrows, quarrels, and sling stones are available from the SWEX.

Grey Goose Shaft. Grey goose arrows weigh 1/5, cost 1 silver, and deal +1 damage because they are more accurate. The arrow of choice for good Robin.

Come back next Saturday for the character sheet and the final two character concepts; the gigantic Strongman and the determined Soldier!

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